Ep #4: KC Volard on Creating Legacy through Alignment, Purpose and Kundalini

This week, I'm thrilled to introduce a special guest, the incredible KC Volard. KC is a business coach with a difference: she believes that the foundation of a good business is well regulated nervous system and helps her clients create this through the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

In this conversation, we dive deep into the topic of pivoting in business and the courage it takes to walk away from something successful to start anew. You'll also find us chatting about perfectionism and the detrimental effects it can have, as well as the link between our nervous systems and the chaos and ungroundedness we often experience in business. KC sheds further sheds light on how our parents' money stories and trauma have shaped our own beliefs and why it's crucial to release the pressure and build wealth and legacy from a place of happiness, ease, vision, and creativity.

You'll learn about the power of integrating yoga into your work, the importance of setting boundaries between work and family life, and the transformative potential of Kundalini and somatic work in unlocking your true potential.

Pull up a chair for this insightful and empowering conversation as we welcome KC Volard to the Aim From the Heart Podcast. KC's energy and vibe have captivated so many (including me!), and I know you'll be nourished and inspired by her unique approach to business and life. 


[00:02:16] Exciting discovery of new business and yoga.

[00:06:01] Partying, substance abuse, pregnancy, no job.

[00:14:47] Both energies have push and pull.

[00:16:26] Importance of structure, strategy, steps, and pivot in business.

[00:22:07] Challenges of moving from good to great.

[00:28:31] Practice work, regulate nervous system, expand magnetism. Business secret sauce. Combine yoga, nutrition, correlate within body. Teach through personal experience. Brand: Iteration as she rises.

[00:36:24] Always innovating, focusing on certification program.

[00:40:43] Success is different from being wealthy. Building a values-based business means achieving success without sacrificing what's important. Being a mom of three is challenging. It's important to acknowledge that success online comes with hardships and tough times. It's not easy and that's normal.

[00:42:57] Creating boundaries between work and family.

[00:49:41] Body remembers trauma, triggers negative thoughts.

[00:55:26] Creating pressure due to familiar patterns.

[00:59:32] Express yourself freely at this unique conference.



Connect with KC Volard:



Website: www.kcvolard.com

Empower Project Radio (KC's podcast): https://www.kcvolard.com/podcast


Where to Connect with Diane and Aim From the Heart:



Website: www.dianebell.com


Free Resources to Get You Started:

The Aim From the Heart Society (Free Facebook Community)

Why Your Big Dreams Aren't Mainfesting - And What to Do About It - Free Ebook