You are a multi-dimensional being.
Perhaps you forgot this Truth along the way.
Like most people, you tried on a mask -
and somehow it stayed on you even after you outgrew it and it no longer fit you or your purpose.
You KNOW you are meant for more, but you feel somehow stuck.
The mask you're wearing served you once -
but it's not ALL of who you are...
it's not who you really want to become...
Heck, it's not who you would choose to be in the present moment...
But somehow it has become your predictable identity.
Maybe it's the mask of being a mom, the mask of a certain job, the mask of being a "struggling artist" - the one who wants something but never seems to get it -
But, friend, listen closely:
You can reinvent yourself at any point in time.
You can choose a new way of being.
You can choose to drop the mask altogether and step into the fullness of your authentic self.
This is the purpose of The Reinvention Retreat.
- You feel stuck in the rut of same old, same old
- You are content with your life...but secretly a little bored too and feel like there's more for you
- You don't feel like you are living your fullest expression
- You feel like you have been on a plateau for a long time, and you are beyond ready to shift to the next level
- You may have success in one or more areas of your life, but you feel like you're not living your true purpose
- You feel like you've lost your mojo and you want it back
- you want to explore other layers of your authentic identity, shed what doesn't serve you, and step into your next level NOW
Sister, it's time to shed your old skin and step boldly into the new with THE REINVENTION RETREAT.
a reawakening of your power.
Let's remember who you REALLY are.
Let's burn down what no longer serves you.
Let's boldly step forward into the identity of the woman you were born to be.
Through our five-day journey, you'll release old patterns and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, and instead, embrace your true self and inner magic.
At this dark time of year, I invite you to turn inwards to renew yourself -
To rediscover your purpose and power.
By the end of this online retreat, you'll feel renewed, empowered, and ready to write the next chapter of your life.
Join THE REINVENTION RETREAT today and embark on your journey of transformation.
I am ready!

Each day for five days you will receive an audio download from me with insights and instructions, guiding you on an inner journey of rebirth and renewal.
THE REINVENTION RETREAT will guide you to:
- REMEMBER who the fuck you really are. What you are here for. What magic exists under the masks.
- RELEASE who you've been. Shed the masks and burn them. Surrender the identity and have a freaking funeral for it.
- REBIRTH yourself in the image of the woman you want to become. Step into her shoes, walk with her swagger, ignite the flame of your authentic, unstoppable and totally magic self.
No more feeling stuck.
No more playing small.
No more feeling bored by your own shit.
This is your invitation to reinvent yourself as the woman deep down you know you truly are.
Included when you join The REINVENTION RETREAT:
- 5 Daily Audio Downloads to listen to in your own time (Value: $999)
- Beautiful downloadable workbook to take notes and honor your journey (Value: $49)
- Bonus Next Steps Session (Value: $222)
- additional guided visualization (Value: $97)
- lifetime access to all materials
- your rebirth (Value: priceless)

If you watch the news and witness all the heartbreaking things happening in the world right now, it's easy to feel terrified, anxious -
To feel like focusing on yourself is selfish, frivolous, almost pointless -
but the truth is what will heal the world is women like you, like me - like us - waking up to our power and shining our light so freaking brightly that it changes everything.
The world needs you in your power.
It needs you awake and alive and radiant and living your authentic purpose.
You are not here to play small.
You're not here to stay stuck in the past.
It's time to step up -
as scary as it might be.
It's time to burn the old and embrace the new.
It's time to reinvent yourself.
Who is your soul calling you to become?
Trust the calling.